When I was in high school, I took a trip with my classmates to Costa Rica. It really opened my eyes to world and I got to experience Latin American soccer culture firsthand. Having graduated from an International university, in my time as a student I met, learned from, and kicked around with people from all over the globe. Some of my best friends, refugees from Burma, have taught me life lessons through the medium of a soccer ball. And some of the greatest joy I have experienced has come through pick up soccer with orphans in Uganda.
I've always held a special place in my heart for the Olympics and its incredible to watch the world come together in the name of sport. That's why the World Cup is unlike any other competition. Naturally, soccer/football/futbol, the world's game, the beautiful game has become my favorite sport. I've always been a better fan than athlete. So many of us dream of sporting glory, but most of us attain it as a fan. That's why I love to blog about soccer, catch matches with friends, support my local teams, and enjoy games with my family. There's just something about sports that seems to unite people, a common bond that brings us together.

While the thrills, community, and joys of sport are truly incredible, they are nothing in comparison to the adventure and fulfillment found in being a follower of Jesus. My wife and I have adopted two beautiful baby girls. This process has honestly been the most difficult thing we've experienced in our lives. But the joys and privileges of fatherhood have proved inexpressibly rewarding!! Thankfully, through this long and often very painful process, God has shown us the treasure of being adopted into His family. As we continue to live our lives (now as parents!), we endeavor to obey God and follow where He leads. We hope to one day work overseas teaching the Bible and working with orphans. For now, we're taking things one step at a time.
Thanks for reading!! Feel free to contact me by email: CoolJAGguy@hotmail.com or find me on facebook.